
Everyone likes a compliment. However, if you want the compliment to be valued by the recipient, it has to be meaningful. We all know the person who compliments us like there is no tomorrow. Over time, people react similarly to the comment as they eventually did to Little Boy Blue.

Give authentic compliments. The idea is to help others feel good about themselves. The best way to do this is to give a compliment based on effort, based on the reality of their results, and only when deserved. It is great to be a nice person, but it is better to be an authentic person.

#Just Be Better

#Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

Be Prepared #3

Do not waste other’s productivity (or allow them to waste yours!).

It goes without saying that you should always be punctual. If you will be late, you must communicate it as soon as you realize it. Be prepared. Prepare your schedule and stick to it. Prepare by knowing who to contact if you are running late. Do not make it a habit. Do not waste other people’s time or productivity.

In meetings, stay on point. I have been in too many meetings where someone feels extra special and decides to take a tangent because they are feeling “smart” for the moment. They are wasting everyone else’s productivity. They are not smart; they are selfish. Don’t be that person, and don’t accept that person’s distraction. Be prepared for what to say and how to say it so the meeting gets back on track. Otherwise, you allow them to have power over your productivity (and future). Do not allow anyone to have power over either, ever.

#Be Prepared

#Just Be Better

#Stay Healthy, Stay Strong

Be Prepared #2

What do you do, and how do you act during an emergency? Are you prepared to handle it? The more prepared you are, the calmer you will be. 

In an emergency,

  • Do you know what to do? 
  • Who to call?
  • Have you practiced? 
  • Have you planned? 

No matter the scenario, the more you prepare, the better you deal with the situation.

Case in point: Who would you call if there was an emergency at work? I am not just talking about first responders. I am talking about communicating with those in your work community who can help you. Do you have any first responders you work with? Anyone with medical training? Who can direct the first responders to the emergency? Who can take charge? Who can follow? Know who these people are so you do not have to figure it out when push comes to shove. 

Your mind must focus on one challenge if you want to maximize success. To better accomplish this, be prepared by thinking through the situations and formulating solutions.

#Just Be Better

#Stay Healthy, Stay Strong

#Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Nothing is worse than saying no to an opportunity because you didn’t complete everything else that needs to be done. Procrastination will interfere with opportunities and take away your ability to grow. Front-load everything you can so that when “Life Happens” or “Opportunity Knocks,” you are ready to say yes.

#Just Be Better

# Stay Healthy, Stay Strong

Force the Future #6 – Compete

If you want to Force the Future, you must always compete—not just when things are good, not just when you are winning, not just when the weather is good, not just when you had a good night’s sleep. 

You must always compete.

Competing is the process. It is the journey. It is what allows you to force the future.

# Force the Future

# Just Be Better

# Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

  1. #ForceTheFuture
  2. #CompeteAlways
  3. #ContinuousImprovement
  4. #NeverSettle
  5. #Persistence
  6. #Resilience
  7. #GrowthMindset
  8. #ChallengeYourself
  9. #StayDetermined
  10. #SuccessMindset


At the end of a wonderful weekend, the power went out suddenly around 8 p.m. The blackout was only the third time we had one in seven years. Unfortunately, all three occurred within the last calendar year. It was not what we wanted, and it threw a wrench into our plans to prepare for the new work and academic week. We could have easily chosen to play the victims and complained until our power was restored. We didn’t. This challenge was our time to shine. Instead of complaining about the situation we had no control over, we could take control, find backup lanterns, get a good book, and spend the evening reading or talking. It is amazing what can get done without 21st-century technology. However, this could only happen with having already developed good habits to rely on and the mindset that a challenge is an opportunity to get better (and having the right batteries for our lanterns).

What would you do in this situation? Either way, be prepared; implementing your answer will be much easier.

#Just Be Better

#Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

What You Want

Nothing caps a good meal like a good dessert. I love dessert, especially if it is delicious. My wife and I drive to our favorite patisserie on the last Sunday of each month to have breakfast, and yes, we have dessert. It is worth the calories, and we are so full we usually skip lunch.

When I tell people this, I get strange reactions. 

  • Reaction #1: How can you have dessert for breakfast?
    • Answer #1: It has less sugar than most cereals, lattes, etc. Also, I do this once a month, not every day.
    • Answer #2: Is there actually a rule for dessert?
  • Reaction #2: How do the macros fit with your diet plan?
    • Answer: I do not care. It is a date with my wife at a fantastic restaurant. The experience with my wife and the food is more important than my diet. I am still fit and strong. My diet is on track. I base my actions on the priorities of the moment: the time with my wife and the opportunity to enjoy fantastic food. If I work hard to maintain my diet throughout my day, I can have this wonderful experience without guilt or worry. In the end, I am thriving on all fronts.
  • Reaction #3: Where is the patisserie? (the best question of the three)
    • Answer: Sweet Melissa’s, Lebanon, NJ

Life should not be about doing things that others want or expect. Life should be about doing what you want regardless of others’ norms.

#Just Be Better

#Be Strong, Be Healthy

Force the Future #5 – Have Difficult Conversations

Sometimes, to get the future you want, you have to tell others what they do not want to hear. These discussions can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but the temporary discomfort is far less than the long-term regret that comes from not getting the future you want. Do not walk away from the difficult conversation. Prepare for them and remain clear on what you wish to communicate, even when the other person reacts emotionally to the information they receive.

# Force the Future

# Just Be Better

# Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

Force The Future #4 – Prepare

At this point, we are prepared. We are not letting our past overwhelm our future; our preparation allows us to worry less about the future. Now, what do I do? It is time to build the habits we need to force the future. Building habits today is the most important thing we can do to force the future. By building habits, we adopt the skills and characteristics we want to have in the future. 

Take time today to map out the future you want, determine the habits you need to succeed, and start implementing the habits immediately.

#Just Be Better

# Stay Strong, Stay Healthy

Force the Future #3

The best route to success is forged with your preparation. Preparing has significantly influenced my accomplishments, and not preparing is one of the biggest reasons for my failures. I believe in “Force the Future” because it encourages us to prepare for the future we want by working today to develop the habits we need to be successful. No matter what you desire for your future, the better your preparation, the better your chances for success. If you want it in the de, force it by preparing for it today.

#Just Be Better

# Stay Strong, Stay Healthy